Startup School

At Arıkan Legal, we find a great pleasure in supporting entrepreneurs who believe in their dreams and take actual steps to make the world a better place. As we see ourselves as community members, who has the moral obligation to hold the light to those who need just a little support to embark on the journey to the realization of their envisaged projects, we regularly work with organizations supporting startups and reach out a helping hand to those, who can take great steps with our pro bono work. 

In this framework, we also organize seminars and give lectures to inform the community and entrepreneurs on the legal side of the journey of startups. In our lectures and seminars we specifically talk about the following subjects in detail:

  • M&A / investment transactions in general 
  • Steps within the investment process
  • Legal aspect of company management 
  • Different types of investment
  • Shareholding structure after the investment
  • Types of agreements to govern the investment process
  • Important sections of main agreements

If you are an organization supporting startups and wish to benefit from our free lectures, please contact us via [email protected]. And please remember that we find great pleasure in supporting those, who support entrepreneurs and the community.

Top view of college students sitting in a library with books and laptop. Young people studying together at public library.