Contracts, Arbitration, Competition, Civil Law

Position: Of Counsel

Bar Admissions: Istanbul Bar

Languages: English, French, German, Turkish

E-mail: [email protected]

Professional Experience 

For almost 20 years, Associate Prof. Dr. Zafer Kahraman, the former Vice-Dean of the law faculty of Bahcesehir University, has been leading an exemplary academic career as a civil law expert. He has been actively lecturing civil law, contracts, competition as well as other major courses, while providing consultancy regarding complex contentious cases, complex cooperations as well as major investment projects to both private sector and judicial bodies. He has completed the research for his Ph.D. thesis as well as his postdoctoral research, as a scholarship holder, in Switzerland. He has lectured in several universities as a guest lecturer, including the infamous Fribourg University in Switzerland. In addition to his academic career and legal consultancy, he acts as an arbitrator of the Istanbul Arbitration Center.

Throughout his career, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zafer Kahraman has written 5 books, 8 chapters of academic collections and commentaries and 20 articles published in Turkey and Europe, organized and participated in numerous local and international seminars. He is member of the European Law Institute and, since 2015, he is the vice-president of the Turkish group of l’Association Henri Capitant.

At Arikan Legal, we take pride in cooperating with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zafer Kahraman in all of our complex cases involving Turkish law.


  •   Habilitation / Associate Professorship (awarded by the Turkish Council of Higher Education),
  •   Université de Fribourg (Fribourg, Switzerland), Postdoctoral Research
  •   Université de Galatasaray (Istanbul), Ph.D.
  •   Université de Fribourg (Fribourg, Switzerland), Visiting Researcher
  •   Université de Galatasaray (Istanbul), LL.M.
  •   Université de Galatasaray (Istanbul), LL.B.
  •   Lycée de Galatasaray (Istanbul)


Selection of Publications

1. Books:

2023 Contingencies and their legal consequences, ed. Vedat Kitabevi, Istanbul 2023

2022 Right to be forgotten, ed. Vedat Kitabevi, Istanbul 2022 (ISBN: 978-625-7421-34-8)

2017 Simple Guarantees, ed. Vedat Kitabevi, Istanbul 2017 (ISBN: 978-605-9263-85-6).

2013 The Assumption of Debt a Comparative Analysis, ed. Vedat Kitabevi, 2013 (ISBN: 978-605-4823-06-2).

2008 Oligopolistic Interdependence in Competition Law, ed. Beta Yayınevi, 2008 (ISBN: 978-975-295-874-6).

2. Book Chapters:

2022 «Competition Law», Introduction to Turkish Business Law, ed. Peter Lang, Berlin-Bern-Bruxelles-New York-Oxford-Warszawa-Wien 2022, pp. 359-418 (ISBN: 978-363-1848-89-0).

2022 Case Studies, Law of Obligations, Contract Law, ed. Vedat Kitabevi, Istanbul 2022, co-writers: Kadir Emre Gökyayla/ Gülen Sinem Tek (ISBN: 978-625-7421-35-5).

2021 Case Studies, Law of Obligations, General Part, ed. Vedat Kitabevi, Istanbul 2021, co-writers: Seda Öktem-Çevik/ Ahu Ayanoglu/ Gülen Sinem Tek (ISBN: 978-605-2203637).

3. Articles:

2022 «Contractual Performance Facing Covid-19: A Comparative Analysis», Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul, Vol. 71, pp. 309-348 (ISSN: 0578-9745).

2021 «Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Performance of Contracts», Covid-19 Küresel Salgınının Hukuktaki Yansımaları, Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara 2021, pp. 11-38 (ISBN: 978-605-05-0782-9).

2020 «Contract Transfer», Prof. Dr. Halûk Burcuoğlu’na Armağan, Filiz Kitabevi, C.II, Istanbul 2020, pp. 1071-1096. (ISBN: 978-975-368-617-4)

2020 «Wilful Misconduct in Civil Law», Prof. Dr. Sermet Akman’a Armağan, Filiz Kitabevi, Istanbul 2020, pp. 405-428. (ISBN: 978-975-368-613-6)

2017 «Mondialisation and circulation of persons», La mondialisation, Journées internationales de l’Association Henri Capitant, Collection: Travaux internationaux Henri Capitant, Tome LXVI/2016, éd. Bruylant, Paris. (ISBN: 978-2-8027- 6015-3) – co-writers: Pınar Altınok Ormancı/Arif Barış Özbilen

2016 «Change of debtor in Turkish Law», pp. 50-59 et « Civil Liability of the doctor », pp. 112-123 in Les journées TurcoRoumaines, Travaux de l’Association Henri Capitant, May 2016.

2013 «The distinction between the cumulative assumption of debt and suretyship agreements», Maltepe University Law Faculty Journal, 2013/1, pp. 149-171 (ISSN : 1303-5630

2010 «Obligations of the parties of a factoring agreement», Bahçeşehir University Law Faculty Kazancı Law Review, Vol. 69- 70, pp. 72-90 (ISSN : 1304-7949).